This function reads in an ENVI ROI file and outputs a Struct containing
ROI Name: ROI.'ROI Number'.'Name' (Char) ROI Color: ROI.'ROI Number'.'Color' (vector) ROI Num Points: ROI.'ROI Number'.numPoints (scalar) ROI Data: ROI.'ROI Number'.Points (matrix)
ROI : the data in each cell of the struct is as outlined above. the matrix is of size # of bands plus the ID number, and (X,Y) coordinates by the number of points in the ROI.
Note that this function assumes a strict formatting standard for the ROI file. IT IS DESIGNED TO ONLY WORK ON THE ENVI ROI FILES SAVED IN ASCII FORMAT. The ROI points must follow immediately after the last ROI information line in the file top matter. There is a commented out while loop that was intended to test for the start of the ROI points, but was removed for convience. However, a more robust algorithm will test for the start of the ROI points so as to avoid strict formatting errors. Future improvements to this code may incorporate reading additional ROI file formats and/or the test for teh start of the roi points.
Written by Jared Herweg, Rochester Institute of Technology, May 2010
See also
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Function implementation
function ROI = readenviroi(roiFile)
open File
fid = fopen(roiFile);
get ROI header information
ROI = ''; % Initialize Struct test = []; while isempty(test) fline = fgetl(fid); % find number of ROIs test = find(strncmp('; Number of', fline, 11)); % test = strmatch('; Number of',fline); end ROI.('NumROI') = str2double(strtrim(fline(strfind(fline,':')+1:end))); test = [];
for each ROI, get associated info
for count = 1:ROI.NumROI while isempty(test) fline = fgetl(fid); test = find(strncmp('; ROI name', fline, 10)); % test = strmatch('; ROI name',fline); end ROIName = strtrim(fline(strfind(fline,':')+1:end)); fline = fgetl(fid); ROIcolor = str2double(strtrim(fline(strfind(fline,'{')+1:end-1))); fline = fgetl(fid); ROI_numPts = strtrim(fline(strfind(fline,':')+1:end)); % Dynamically expand struct and assign ROI information to cell % fields ROIcnt = ['R' num2str(count)]; % Each independent ROI name assigned ROI.(ROIcnt).('Name') = ROIName; ROI.(ROIcnt).('Color') = ROIcolor; ROI.(ROIcnt).('numPts') = str2double(ROI_numPts); test = []; end
get the ROI Points for each ROI
% Advance to the start of the ROI points % while isempty(test) fline = fgetl(fid); % test = strmatch('; ID',fline); % end
get number of bands in ROI
NumBands = length(find(fline == 'B'));
add 3 fields to num bands to account for ROI point ID and the x,y coordinates (see ROI ASCII file).
NumBands = NumBands + 3;
for each ROI, get the associative ROI points
for count = 1:ROI.NumROI ROIcnt = ['R' num2str(count)]; ROI.(ROIcnt).('Points') = zeros(ROI.(ROIcnt).numPts,NumBands); for count2 = 1:ROI.(ROIcnt).numPts fline = fgetl(fid); ROI.(ROIcnt).Points(count2,:) = str2double(fline); end % fline = fgetl(fid); % skips the blank line end
close ROI File
end % end of readenviroi